Monday, April 26, 2010

OK, Now the veggie plot is turned

Sunday went over to the veggie plot, a light rain was falling. I love the rain as long as it isn't torrential. The way the earth smells, the cleanliness of the air. Yep, rain is a good thing. But I digress. We needed to till and till we did, and pick rocks and more rocks.

The plot ends up being 15' x 35". The dirt is much better quality than I expected, and full of earthworms.
Here it is from the west.

It's dirt right? But it's NICE dirt, black, rich with a bit of clay along the fence line which we'll be able to help out this year with peat, and then compost in the future. The copost heap will be another post. I know, it's positively riveting!

Nice dirt.

Nice bits of organic matter. Did I mention that in previous years this was part of a horse pasture, now vacant for a few years? It was and should prove beneficial to the garden.

From the east.
Wouldn't be country life without a non functional car in there somewhere! But you can see the dirt is pretty fluffy  and certainly is black.
Alas, we did have casualty - other than the worms we bisected - the poor tiller snapped off just as we were beginning the second pass. We need to get it welded back.
Our trusty steed took one for the team.


I figure we got about 20 gallons of small rocks, and a few hundred pounds of bigger ones which will be repurposed in other parts of the hosts yard.

So we need to add peat, mark and create the rows, set up irrigation and plant all in the next 2 weeks. Shoud be fun!

Until later Dear Reader...

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